Delivering a professional customer experience, one shingle at a time.

Roofing Contractor Licenses

#104.018624 & #105.008524

Our team is licensed and certified to provide top-quality roofing services.

We hold the following licenses:

Roofing License #104.018624 Roofing License #105.008524 These licenses ensure that we are qualified and trained to handle any roofing job with professionalism and expertise in the State of Illinois

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Delivering a professional customer experience, one shingle at a time.

Roofing Contractor Licenses

#104.018624 & #105.008524

Our team is licensed and certified to provide top-quality roofing services.

We hold the following licenses:

Roofing License #104.018624 Roofing License #105.008524 These licenses ensure that we are qualified and trained to handle any roofing job with professionalism and expertise in the State of Illinois

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Roofing Inspection in Illinois:

What You Need to Know

Roofing is a crucial part of any building, and ensuring it is in good condition is essential for both safety and longevity. In Illinois, it is recommended that you have a professional roofing inspection done every three years to ensure your roof is in good condition and can withstand the harsh weather conditions of the region. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on what you need to know about roofing inspections in Illinois.

What is a Roofing Inspection?

A roofing inspection is a comprehensive evaluation of your roof's condition by a professional roofer. The roofer will inspect all parts of your roof, including the shingles, flashings, gutters, and ventilation systems, to identify any potential problems or signs of wear and tear. This inspection is critical to ensuring your roof is in good condition and can provide protection to your home for years to come.

Why is a Roofing Inspection Important in Illinois?

Illinois experiences a wide range of weather conditions, including strong winds, hail, and heavy rain. These conditions can put significant stress on your roof, leading to wear and tear, damage, and potential leaks. A roofing inspection will help you identify any potential problems before they become more significant and costly to repair.

Additionally, a roofing inspection will also help you keep your roof in good condition and maintain its longevity. By catching any issues early, you can prevent more extensive damage and extend the life of your roof.

What to Expect During a Roofing Inspection in Illinois

When you have a roofing inspection done in Illinois, the inspector will perform a thorough evaluation of your roof. The inspector will inspect the shingles, flashings, gutters, and ventilation systems to identify any potential problems. They will also check for any signs of wear and tear, damage, and potential leaks.

The inspector will also inspect the roof deck and framing, as well as the roof's insulation and ventilation system, to ensure that your roof is in good condition and functioning properly. The inspector may also check your roof's slope, which can affect the way water flows off your roof, and identify any areas that may need additional ventilation to prevent mold growth.

Benefits of a Roofing Inspection in Illinois

Having a roofing inspection done in Illinois can provide you with several benefits, including:

Early identification of potential problems, which can save you time and money in the long run.Maintenance of your roof's longevity and condition, ensuring it can provide protection to your home for years to come.Peace of mind knowing your roof is in good condition and can withstand the harsh weather conditions of Illinois.

Choosing a Professional Roofing Inspector in Illinois

When choosing a roofing inspector in Illinois, it is important to choose a professional who is experienced, knowledgeable, and has a good reputation. A professional roofer will have the expertise and equipment necessary to thoroughly inspect your roof and identify any potential problems.

It is also important to choose a roofing inspector who is licensed and insured, to ensure that any work done on your roof is done safely and to code. Additionally, a professional roofing inspector should be able to provide you with a detailed report of their findings, including any recommendations for repairs or maintenance.


A roofing inspection is a crucial part of maintaining your roof's condition and longevity, especially in Illinois where harsh weather conditions can put significant stress on your roof. By having a professional roofing inspection done every three years, you can ensure that your roof is in good condition and can provide protection to your home for years to

Reasons to Have Your Roof Inspected

Your roof is constantly exposed to dramatic changes in temperature, rain, wind, and sunlight. This exposure, as well as normal wear, degrades roofing materials. Wood becomes brittle and weak, metal rusts, and shingles become loose, which can allow water to infiltrate your home. This can result in mold growth, structural damage, and a host of other problems.
A roof inspection can help:

  • Find problems early

  • Prevent leaks

  • Avoid water damage and mold growth

  • Predict when it is time for

  • Roof replacement

  • Maximize the life of your roof

Our highly trained contractors can provide a comprehensive roof inspection to determine its condition. If a problem is discovered, you can have it fixed when the repair is easier and less expensive. Knowing the condition of your roof allows you to plan for future repairs or replacement, rather than being caught off guard.

Get Your Free Roof Inspection

Small problems can gradually progress until they undermine the structural integrity of your roof. Since our inspection is offered at no cost and with no obligation, there is no reason to let that happen to you. If you want to know the condition of your roof for your benefit and not for insurance or real estate transaction purposes, you qualify for a free roof inspection from Legendary Savage Roofing.


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Call us today to schedule a consultation regarding your repair or installation and we’ll give you a 100 percent free estimate on your service. We will get you in at the earliest possibility to assess your home or business, provide recommendations, and begin work on your project.


1815 Knapp Rd Crest Hill, IL 60403

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